Classic menswear and the fine life

Sewing Vintage Menswear (Digital International Edition)


Original price was: 50,00 €.Current price is: 40,00 €.

„Sewing Vintage Menswear“ is a book project by bespoke tailor Sebastian Hoofs and fashion blogger Niklas Hoppe. This book containts tutorials and patterns for knickerbockers, detachable collars, shirt, and waistcoats of 1920. It also includes brief characterizations of each piece and photos depicting its fashionable usage.

Click here to see instructions on how to print the pattern sheets.




Bespoke tailor Sebastian Hoofs and I wrote a book including sewing tutorials, patterns, historical backgrounds and a lot of photos concerning the classic menswear of 1920. We aim for hobby tailors, role players, enthusiasts of shows like Babylon Berlin, Peaky Blinders and Downton Abbey as well as dandys, gentlemen and rugged guys.

Abnehmbarer Clubkragen (in Arbeit)

Detachable club collar in the making

We want to encourage interested people in sewing their own shirt, a detachable collar or a waistcoat after historical patterns of 1920. A lot of the pieces are based on long lost tailoring knowledge. And this might not only be interesting for DIY people, but also everyone who wants to understand the construction of trousers or waistcoats. We would like to convey a deeper understanding of classic menswear.

Hemd aus Baumwollflanell, Flat cap, Weste und Knickerbocker aus Harris-Tweed. Die Schnittmuster zu allen vier Stücken werden Bestandteil des Buchs.

Cotton flannel shirt, flat cap and Harris Tweed knickerbockers. All four patterns included in the book.

The book is as an ebook (PDF) and contains:

  • General tutorials like welt pockets, dressage, etc.
  • General knowledge about the 1920 mens fashion
  • Tutorials and patterns for
    • Shirt
    • Detachable collars: spearpoint, club collar, imperial collar
    • Fishtail trousers
    • Knickerbockers
    • High-waist trousers with and without pleats
    • Single and double breasted waistcoats with and without lapel
    • Flat cap and newsboy cap
    • Spats
    • Dressing gown
Hausmantel aus Brokat mit abgestepptem Samtrevers.

Chenille dressing gown with velvet collar.

The cover was illustrated by Jonny Leigh and its design is inspired by the famous Saturday Evening Post. It shows several of the included pieces.

Who are we?

Sebastian Hoofs is a bespoke tailor who likes to share his knowledge. At the age of 14 he started sewing and after several years of hobby tailoring, he turned his hobby into a career. His pet issue is pattern construction. He is offering special sewing workshops for ambitious hobby tailors at his studio in Cologne. Sebastian already is an author of several sewing book.

Niklas Hoppe is an IT project manager and has been dealing with hobby tailoring and historical fashion for 15 years. Since 2016 he runs this blog and a couple of social media channels as Vintagebursche about classic menswear and style with a special focus on the 1920s.

The two share a great passion for classic menswear, the 1920s and tailoring. This book is a matter close to their hearts.

Der Bespoke-Dreiteiler getragen vom stolzen Besitzer und seinem Schöpfer.

Niklas Hoppe and Sebastian Hoofs

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  1. Vintagebursche 12. October 2021 — Post Author

    Yes, these pattern sheets are English and yes, the hard copy is only available in German.

  2. Vintagebursche 14. February 2022 — Post Author


  3. Vintagebursche 2. November 2021 — Post Author

    The password is the email address you used for the order.

  4. Vintagebursche 24. January 2022 — Post Author

    It’s too complex. It would fill separate book on its own.

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